O que pensar quando você está numa crise por causa da sua profissão e vê um anúncio desse aí de baixo???
Carsonified Bath, UK
Posted on: Feb 20, 2008
Web Designer
Carsonified is looking for a tremendously talented web designer who is passionate about Web Standards, accessibility, blogging and beautiful hand-coded CSS and XHTML (print design experience is also a bonus).
We work a 4-day week, give you 35 days holiday and give you great gear (iPhone, 23" Cinema Display, MacBook Pro and Aeron Chair). One of your first jobs will be do re-design Vitamin - :) Please note that you'll need to work from our nice new office in Bath, UK.
To Apply: - move fast as the job will probably filled quite quickly.
Eu só queria o tabalho 4 vezes por semana com férias de 35 dias. O resto, EU COMPRO!
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